
10 Odd Things that People Like

1.) the tazmanian devil...Mexicans especially seem to like this character
2.) white people who like the rap group Dead Prez
3.) vacationing in Cancun
4.) strip clubs
5.) people: a.) Garrison Keillor, b.) Madonna, c.) Bono
6.) reality dating competitions with celebrities that air more than one season (Rock of Love 2, etc.)
7.) saying one of the following phrases: "I live in Brooklyn," or "We stayed in Brooklyn, not Manhattan."
8.) denying that they have seen every episode of Sex and the City...twice (or maybe that's just me)
9.) answering the question "What kind of music do you like?" by saying, "Everything except classical and country."
10.) either siding with fanatical vegetarians/vegans or siding with fanatical carnivores (i associate more with the latter)

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