
15 People Who are Clearly Less Enlightened than White Yoga Teachers

1. Me. (Because I'm not particularly fond of Rumi or Walt Whitman.)
2. People who love rock'n'roll, drinking, and fun! (Me.)
3. People who do not do yoga. (Clearly.)
4. Republicans.
5. Christians.
6. The fat guy who owns the BBQ shop (A. Because he is fat and clearly does not exercise, B. because he sells BBQ.)
7. ALSO, anybody who eats meat/thoroughly enjoys eating meat. (Me.)
8. Poor people who eat McDonalds because it is only 3 dollars. (Hello, your digestive system will have a hard time digesting it and that is bad for your psychic awareness.)
9. Business people who wear suits and use computers and Blackberries. (Read in annoyingly earnest and cliched yoga teacher voice: We don't always need to be in a hurry. Take a breath. Enjoy each moment.)
10. People who are in the midst of addiction. (But people who have overcome addiction are clearly more enlightened somehow.)
11. People who go to the "Western doctor." (Especially people who take mood enhancing pharmaceudicals...me!)*
12. Intellectuals. (Which is ironic.)
13. People who smoke cigarettes.
14. People who watch (or admit to watching) t.v.
15. Anyone who is different.

*It seems to me the phrase "Western doctor" is a bit outdated. Fits into language around 1825. Though I know for a fact, without even consulting Wikipedia, that there are Chinese, Indian, Thai, Laotian, Burmese, Japanese, and Russian doctors who practice what we call in the West "Western Medicine."

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