
15 Things I Constantly Forget to Do

1. pluck my eyebrows
2. buy toilet paper/toothbrush/paste/contact lens solution when I need it
3. take the receipt out of the self credit slot of the gas pump
4. take my vitamins
5. drink water ( I don't know how...)
6. avoid my mom when I tell myself I'm going to avoid her
7. live every minute as if I'm acting on a Lifetime movie
8. pick up my glass off the floor (which I always knock over later)
9. not turn the station after I land on (and stay on) either Christian radio or commercials
10. turn up the volume after I land on Black Sabbath
11. fucking rock (maybe not constantly, maybe I forget to fucking rock only some of the time)
12. not be a dummy, dummy
13. give up drinking
14. stop the killing
15. love myself as much as I love myself

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